Thursday, April 06, 2006

Quantum Kittens

From Quantum Kittens to Flying Cats

Quantum information processing will require the reliable preparation of quantum states of matter. While these are easy to specify theoretically, experimental realization of such states has been difficult, especially the type of "flying" states that are expected to be useful for quantum communication purposes. By subtracting a single photon from a squeezed coherent optical pulse, Ourjoumtsev et al. (p. 83, published online 9 March; see the Perspective by Gisin) report on the production of small Schrödinger cat states, or Schrödinger kittens, and show that these kittens can be grown into cats through a suitable amplification and distillation process.


bubblemonkie said...

is this working? the other comment didn't seem to.

Unknown said...

Yes, Mistress of the Night, it is working!